Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Self Doubt: The Loudest Voice in my Head

I've got zero creative energy tonight, but just want to bring up the topic/topics of:
Self Doubt
Self Counsciousness
The voice that seems to speak up the loudest, is the one that confirms my deepest fears. I want to drown that voice out; listen to it less and give it no room in my life. But old habits die hard.
I know that the voice of Jesus speaks of love, freedom, acceptance...this is the voice that I need to turn up the volume on.
Otherwise, I end up trapped inside myself; tangled up in my own fears with no one room to see anyone else. Aside from the anxiety that my insecurities bring me...they keep me focused on myself, and incapable of cultivating the kind of love that Jesus gave out with abandon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my sweet god daughter Leah, you are awesome. I love how you put your feelings on paper - you are just where you should be for your age...however, you can be much more confident and content just by knowing you do your best in all you do.
I am very proud of you.