Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What my little sister has to do with human trafficking

Kolkota, India is home to some 10,000 sex workers, and also, my baby sister. Hannah is currently working with an organization called Word Made Flesh, trying to reach out to the women in the red light districts, in the city best known by outsiders as the home of Mother Teresa, and prostitutes. Many of the sex workers have been trafficked from Nepal, or Thailand, and are trapped in their lifestyle by debt, or physical force. Word Made Flesh is trying to build relationships with the workers, and connect them with organizations that can help them escape, and build a better life.

I am so proud of Hannah, I could bust. Here is a picture of her and her little buddy Sanju.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She looks like she's really in her element! That sounds like really good work--hard, but really necessary.